Friday 03 November 2017

Biafra: Why I Love Ohaneze Ndi-Igbo More Under Nnia Nwodo (Part 1) 

Deceptive Ndi-Igbo 

One very funny thing about  this wasteful British hypothetical concoction and Gambari Fulani sorry Uthman estate so-called Nigeria is that no matter how Power Hopeless Company of Nigeria (PHCN) tries to frustrate your lucky life, you must find something that helps you laugh away the gory as soon as you are able to pay one of the numerous years-long graduates, who have found life in charging peoples' battery at the rate of fifty naira each (#50) using their Tiger generating set, the one next to the type the Lagos state governor Mr Ambode George gave to the Lagos state police command, just to  get yourself logged into any of the fairly trusted news websites in Nigeria, the dark Estate of Uthman.

Did I just stumble on another piece where Young-child John Nnia Nwodo, the merchant President general of the 'NOT WANTED' OHANAEZE NDI-IGBO elders franchise organization, just reportedly lamented yet again on Buhari's appointment of one Boss Mustapha, a blessed child of the Uthman Caliphate as the Secretary general of the Federation, replacing Mr Babachir Lawal, who seems to be relieved of duties, just recently, from being the Secretary-General of the Federation (SGF)?

Just tell me why all these chronicles of successively rapid losses are hitting the criminal franchise so-called OHANAEZE NDI-IGBO, under the leadership of Nnia Nwodo and his pack of obsolete gamblers. What is the reason; is the Clipper blurred or is the handler inexperienced? What is happening, please? Do the pack of shameless jesters really have their napkins on? Am asking these questions because seeing the series of failures of all propositions from these so-called franchise organization hit wall or rocks too repeatedly is becoming unfashionable and choleric and irritant.

An IGBO adage has it that 'what an elder or aged or experienced complete sapiens sees squatting, a child can not see, even if the child climbs the top of mountains'.

Unfolding chronicles of misadventures from the so-called franchise organization, OHANAEZE NDI-IGBO under the leadership of Kid-old man called Nnia Nwodo is getting my instincts to begin to wish some adages be trashed for serving no relevances anymore or for having over-stayed their usefulness or for being used unduly by 'UNWORTHY' charlatans, such as the 'OLD-KIDS OHANAEZE NDI-IGBO -

When a man opposes any good proposal from his supposed very own people and chooses to trade on opposition views from obvious enemies of his own people; people and observers must expect the level of cross-road to ensue. When IPOB(An organized civilian population of the Indigenous people of Biafra ), were reticent over the schemes being openingly executed in the Very God-forsaken inconclusive experiment, called Nigeria, no mortal ever rose to the rhetorics being forcefully proclaimed today, known as 'RESTRUCTURING'.

Nnia John Nwodo and his gang, hallowed this word 'RESTRUCTURING' a few months back, in a bid to counterfeit the resolve for freedom by the Indigenous people of Biafra unsuccessfully, before they jumped into Secretary to the government of the Federation and lastly into 2023 presidency. I am thinking that these men probably chose a selling topic and not a populist opinion to get more brown envelopes from the thieving cabals in Aso-Rock, in what can be called a 'gang-cabal parley'. My questions continue: When are these distractors going to bow honourably out of the stage, pay back the blood money given them by the blood-sunk Northern Dynasty and quit attracting scorn to the hallowed name IGBO, as combined in their 'OHANAEZE' fraud brand? Say sorry and quit using the word Elder' to mesmerize the gullible.

How many times these faggots have decided to fail before they alight from onboard is still not predictable to any philosopher because of several unsuccessful predictions. After all the romance and masturbation, using the slogan 'RESTRUCTURING and failing just because of a slight shout-out by Hausa-Fulani illiterate pack of youths coalitions, I and other well-trained humans expected that to be a final scoop from the 'busy-bodies'. Now they have yet failed in their secret plea for SGF. I hope they quit the amusements upon seeing pieces online that have another news of failure from OHANAEZE franchise.

Every youth in Biafraland already acknowledged the fact that Nigeria is an Estate of the Uthman Dynasty and consequently retired to a better hope, which shall be reaped from Biafra, a nation of people with common culture and values and ideologies. Basic principles and requirements for a better nation. How a pack of gamblers like Nwodo and his benefactors, expected better chances from a whole office of an SGF leaves me with plenty to desire. If Power Hopeless Company of Nigeria (PHCN), wishes, let them keep doing their hide and seek with light, all I know and believe is that Before the week runs down, John Nnia Nwodo and his gang must give us another reason to laugh. OHANAEZE NDI-IGBO is busy, drifting into a draft of another brand of comedy for the millennium.

Whenever you stumble on any headline with OHANAEZE as the prime caption, just start laughing because you must laugh and forget unemployment and a bad economy and the following darkness and badly pot-holed roads, before you finish such a piece.

Written By Alex C. Okeke
 For  IPOB writers


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