Thursday, September 28, 2017. 21:05GMT
Buhari's UN Speech Full Of Hypocrisy And And Ignorance
The 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly, (UNGA 72), started at the UN Headquarters, in New York, on Tuesday, September 12, 2017. The United Nations General Assembly is a forum for decision-making where all 193 member states each have a single vote. Unlike the Security Council, which is dominated by the five permanent members - Russia, UK, US, France, and China - every country is invited to send a representative to the general assembly. This year's gathering had a general debate opened on Tuesday, September 19, 2017, with the theme: 'Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet'.
In my article on Thursday, August 24, 2017, I wrote:
"Buhari is a bigot and a hypocrite: He can't be supporting the independence of Palestine and Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) from Morocco, while at home he's against the actualization of Biafra etc. He argued for the emancipation of those foreign entities everywhere, even up to the United Nations General Assembly, the last he addressed it. He should know that charity should begin at home!"
When I was writing the above excerpt in that quoted article, I was referring to Buhari's speech during the 2016 United Nations General Assembly, but little did I know that he will repeat such comments again, and too soon.
President Buhari of Nigeria, on September 19, just blathered at the United Nations, while addressing the General Assembly, ending up saying nothing tangible. Buhari was speaking about some other countries' problems, forgetting his own. Buhari was speaking as if every other country on earth has problems except his Nigeria.
Unlike other leaders, who spoke at the UNGA, who put their own people first, Buhari relegated Nigerians to the back burner. Bearing in mind that this year's debate was about 'Focusing on People: Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet', Buhari knows that Nigerian people are suffering, as many are now barely existing (no longer living); he knows that there's no peace in any part of Nigeria; he's aware that majority of Nigerians have no decent life; and all these problems have his signature on them (wittingly or unwittingly, he's one of the major causes of the problems Nigerians are now facing).
It's no longer a question of how did Nigeria get into Buhari's mess, but how will it come out of it. Buhari is simply a catastrophe.
Instead of Buhari to tell the world about the ignorance, poverty, and disease ravaging Nigeria, which have unleashed hardship and pain on his people, which he can't tackle due to his maladroitness, he veered to other countries' problems. And the irony is that those other countries Buhari dwelt on, at the UN, are better off than his own Nigeria.
Buhari, as ineptitude personified, should have concentrated on asking the international community to help his cluelessness by finding a way of succouring his people, thereby ameliorating or mitigating the unimaginable sufferings they're going through.
While Buhari was proscribing IPOB, he was championing the cause of people of other countries. He asked the United Nations to engage North Korea so that the nuclear impasse would be resolved peacefully, but vowed that he will never talk to Nnamdi Kanu. For Buhari, a stone-throwing group becomes a terrorist group. Who would be surprised if Buhari, or any of his lackeys, tells us that Boko Haram, that has killed, maimed and displaced thousands of Nigerians, that has also divided Nigeria by turning the North-Eastern part of the country into its fiefdom, is a humanitarian organization? Imagine the governor of Bornu State, Kashmir Shettima, saying, a few days ago, that IPOB poses a greater threat than Boko Haram and should be proscribed. Remember that IPOB, this governor was referring to, has never killed anybody before, while Boko Haram has killed thousands of people.
The Boko Haram some northerners are exonerating is the designated second deadliest terrorist group, after ISIS, in the world. The SBS wrote, on August 24, 2017, that since Boko Haram's insurgency in 2009, it has become the second deadliest terror group in the world, with UNICEF reporting (that) the use of children as 'human bombs' has escalated over the past year.
Buhari, during his speech at the UNGA, said that "the international community cannot remain silent and not condemn the horrendous suffering caused by what, from all indications is a state-backed programme of brutal depopulation of the Rohingya inhabited areas in Myanmar on the basis of ethnicity and religion". There, he was preaching against the maltreatment of Muslims in Myanmar and elsewhere but has ordered the depopulation of Igbos in Nigeria. As I noted in my previous article I quoted here, above, Buhari must be a religious bigot, as he supports the emancipation of Muslims in some other countries and not the sought-after emancipation of some people in his own country, because they're Christians. Buhari was speaking as if he's the Muslim president of the world.
Imagine the Buhari's government terming IPOB a terrorist gang, but the murderous Fulani herdsmen as only criminals. The Cable just reported that Garba Shehu, the presidential spokesman, says herdsmen, who attack citizens, are criminal gangs but not terrorists. Shehu said this in an interview on Channels TV on Thursday, September 21. He said the government did not declare herdsmen, who kill people, as terrorists because they are "only criminal gangs".
Imagine Garba Shehu trying to hoodwink the gullible by saying that the Fulani herdsmen are only criminals, when the News Express, on September 25, reported that "Nigeria lost 6500 citizens, $14.7 billion and 62,000 others displaced in record 850 perennial clashes between herdsmen and farmers in the Middle Belt region of the country, a report has said. The report, which was an 'Assessment of Current Responses to Farmer-herder Conflict in Nigeria' titled "Responses to Farmers and Herders Conflicts in the Middle Belt Region of Nigeria", stated that the losses were recorded between 2010 and 2015".
Also, The Independent UK, on November 20, 2015, wrote that "the fourth deadliest known terrorist group has been named as the Fulani militant group operating in Nigeria and parts of the Central African Republic. Only Boko Haram, Isis, and al-Shabab were deemed deadlier than the little-known militant group from West Africa. This makes Nigeria home to two of the world's deadliest terrorist groups in the world".
As a fiend incarnate he is, Buhari once said that he will kill the Igbos again, to keep Nigeria one. During the presidential campaign, in 2015, we thought Buhari was only jesting when he said that he had no regrets being part of the military that killed about 3 million Eastern Nigerians, during the war; and that he will do it again if it becomes necessary to keep Nigeria one. This was what he told BBC Hausa Service in February 2015:
"I don't have any regret, and as such do not owe an apology to them, in fact, if there is a repeat of the civil war again, I will kill more Igbos to save the country".
Buhari has started to make good on that his vow: He sent the Army, about a week ago, to Abia State to kill, maim, molest and rape innocent civilians just for the sake of quieting Nnamdi Kanu and his IPOB.
Buhari should know that proscribing IPOB is a mistake, as that will still embolden the group the more. I have noted, previously, that what brought us to where we're now was Buhari's blunder of arresting Nnamdi Kanu instead of ignoring him, as that made him an instant hero. Now, proscribing IPOB and declaring Nnamdi Kanu a terrorist, who should be arrested dead or alive, will only make a bad situation worse, and will give Kanu an international refugee status. Every country will be willing to accept and to protect him, and from there he will be creating more migraine (a severe headache) for Buhari. Buhari claims that Nnamdi Kanu was making it hard for him to rule Nigeria; the worst is yet to come! Only a maniacal will term Nnamdi Kanu, or just anybody like him, a terrorist, for asking for self-determination for his people, and still see a group such as IPOB as a terrorist group, even though it has never picked up arms against anybody.
Buhari shouldn't bother proscribing IPOB or going after Nnamdi Kanu because Biafra has already been achieved. It's now a Fait Accompli, and it has nothing to do with Nnamdi Kanu or IPOB! It's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality. Nigeria has only two options left - either it's restructured or it will break up. Whether Nigeria disintegrates or is restructured, accomplishes Biafra, after all restructuring is all The Aburi Accord was about, and that was what Ojukwu asked to be implemented so that the war could have been avoided then, but was ignored. Head or tail, Biafra is already there. We've gotten there!
Buhari said that the unity of Nigeria is not to be negotiated, but he's making a grave mistake. He should tell us on what basis must Nigeria remain one? What does anyone gain from being a Nigerian? What is Nigeria there for any citizen? I know that there are basic principles or rights of being an American or British or German or French citizen. In those countries mentioned here, citizens have inalienable rights to pursue individual and collective happiness in freedom, liberty, fairness, and justice. To be specific: As an American or British or German or French citizen, you have Freedom to express yourself; Freedom to worship as you wish; Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury or court; Right to vote in elections for public officials; Right to apply for federal employment requiring citizenship; Right to run for elected office; and in the case of America, Freedom to pursue "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." For most Nigerian citizens, these principles or rights are non-existent. So, how can one continue being a citizen of a country that offers him or her virtually nothing except pains? Probably, only restructuring can confer these principles or rights on the citizens of Nigeria, or else, there's no basis for our continued existence as a country.
Finally, and coming back to his address at the UN, Buhari should have known that charity begins at home; meaning that one should take care of his family, other people who live close to him or her, and his or her country, before helping people who are living further away or in another country. Next time, if there will be any such; Buhari should concentrate on Nigeria and its problems, during such speech at the United Nations or elsewhere. The bottom-line is that he said so many things at UNGA, but ended up saying nothing genuine.
No wonder Al Jazeera said that "Mohammed Buhari's UN speech is watery, unpresidential, uninspiring. He pretty much talked about every other country except his own. It shows lack of focus", and, CNN said that "President Buhari addressed the UN general assembly not like the president of Nigeria, but as the president of Africa!"
To put it mildly, Buhari speech at the UNGA was only hypocritical and all poppycock. It alluded to his hollowness.
Temple Chima Ubochi
Published by Jonas Rafeal
Temple Chima Ubochi
Published by Jonas Rafeal
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