Below are the Atonement prayers. You can add yours too, for instance, I will be adding Psalm 35 to my own bible reading as well. The three Cardinal Prayer Points are: (1) Forgiveness, (2) Grace and Wisdom from Chukwu Okike Abiama, (3) Restoration of Biafra and total obliteration
of the enemies of Biafra. Start at 6pm on the 30th and end 6pm on the 1st. Pray for at least 15min for every one hour. Try and fast for at least 12hrs or 24hrs if you can.
Pray for forgiveness of our sins and ask Chukwu Okike Abiama to help us restore Biafra just like he answered for the Israelites, whom we identify with as the true children of Chukwu Okike Abiama. Please as a guide, pray these prayers and others that your inner spirit directs you starting on Friday 29th of September and ending on the Saturday
30th September evening:
1. Psalm 51 - A prayer for forgiveness. A psalm by David. When the prophet Nathan came to him.
2. Psalm 21 – Praise for victory. A psalm by David
3. Psalm 31 – A prayer of trust in God. A psalm by David
4. Psalm 71 – An old man’s prayer
5. Psalm 91 – God our protector
6. Psalm 110 – The lord and his chosen king; and
8. psalm 109 - Let his days be few
9. Psalm 137 - How shall we sing the Lord's song
10. Exodus chapter 14 vs 13 to 14.
Let us all pray together. Be merciful to ‘Biafrans’, O Chukwu Okike Abiama, because of your everlasting love. Because of your great mercy wipe out our sins! Our Creator, we have come to you for protection; never let us be defeated! Because you are righteous, help us and rescue (and restore) Biafra. Your word says that whoever goes to the Chukwu Okike Abiama for safety, whoever remains under the aegis of the almighty can say to him “you are our defender and protector.” You are the Creator of Biafra (Chukwu Okike Abiama) and in you we trust. Give us victory and enduring triumph over our enemies. You are the creator of Israelites (Biafra) and in you we trust and shall worship forever! Isee isee isee.
The leaflet Prayer
Chukwu Okike Abiama, Almighty Creator of Biafra and Israel,
you are a great and awesome God. You keep your covenant and promise to those
who love you and observe your commandments. Chukwu Okike Abiama, righteousness
belongs to thee and thee alone. To us and our fathers before us, shame and
humiliation has become our portion because we sinned against you. Despite the
afflictions you visited upon us, we have not left our wicked ways and the
imaginations of our deceitful hearts. Because you are righteous and detest sin,
you had to allow us go through suffering as admonishment. In your mercy, love,
and kindness, you sent us a leader Nnamdi Kanu to guide us back to you.
Okike Abiama, as you prepare to bring your people out of the land of oppression
with a mighty hand and make a name for yourself, we pray that you to let your
ear be attentive and your eyes open that you may hear the prayer of your
children which we pray before you this Atonement season. Chukwu Okike Abiama,
we have sinned, we have done wickedly, we have dealt treacherously against
thine ordinances and have continued to do so. Let your wrath turn from us for
the heathens have killed us enough where you scatthered us. Hear our prayers
and our petitions and deliver us for the sake of your name. Give us favor in
the sight of Igbo leaders who have betrayed us for their selfish political
gains, that the earth may know that you are Okike of Biafra, because we are
called by your name.
There is no race on this planet that you love as much as
you love us. You made the whole world for our sake, but the heathen have been
lording it over us, our inheritance stolen from us. Our land, they have taken
over as their possession. Their cattle has inherited our inheritance. Our
Father and immortal Redeemer, how long shall the heathens do this to your
chosen children?
Chukwu Okike Abiama, our father, we plead your forgiveness,
please save us. We do not make this supplication because we deserve your mercy,
but for the sake of your great name, have mercy on us. Saving us will be a way
to vindicate your name because nations are mocking us and saying that you have
abandoned us. Do not look upon those of us still rebelling but remember the
promise you made to your servant Eri who was faithful to you. Grant us Biafra
so the doubting souls among us will confess that Biafra is your heavenly kingdom restored to
this earth. Chukwu Okike Abiama, give us new heart to do your will.
We know you
will heal us. Ebighebi, Ancient of Days, Okike, thank you for giving us a
second chance to return and obey your laws and commandments. Biafra shall
worship only you. We know you are compassionate, merciful, patient and
longsuffering. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers for we have
prayed in your name awesome name Chukwu Okike Abiama....Isee! Iseeee!!
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