Saturday, September 16, 2017. 00:30GMT
An Open Letter To The South East Governors By The Wounded Biafrans
Greetings, Your Excellencies, the governors of the land of the Rising Sun.
It is with a heart burdened with sorrow that I write you today to register my grave displeasure over your criminal complicity in the woes of the people you purport to preside over.
With your permission, Your Excellencies, I will like to start this piece with questions which have dug a very deep hole in my heart for a very long time and the questions are:
Whose interests are you representing as governors?
Where does your loyalty lie?
Why does it seem like your dominant default instinct is to please the Caliphate even if it means to the detriment of your people?
Dear governors, those are questions on the lips of almost every Igbo Biafran youth and those questions must not just be asked, they must be answered.
Your Excellencies, do you ever sit back and wonder why millions of Biafrans have chosen to willingly follow Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in his quest to restore Biafra?
I will tell you:
As a people, Biafrans have been oppressed, suppressed, dejected, isolated, marginalized, ridiculed, humiliated, haunted and murdered by the moral criminals and executive terrorists running the affairs of the Nigerian state since after the Biafran war. When Mr Hate-Made-Flesh, President Buhari, came on board, he elevated Biafra marginalization and dehumanization as an official govt policy. Two days ago, the Buhari-led govt brought in tanks and sophisticated military hardware into Biafraland. It doesn’t take a soothsayer to know that those weapons will be used on the same people whose lives you are being paid to protect.
In all these,
You, the people who presume to be our governors didn’t just maintain criminal silence, you connived with our oppressors to ride roughshod over our wounds. Just for the pittance known as monthly allocation, you had no qualms turning a blind eye and living in denial of our pains and miseries and wars and woes.
This year alone, you, the southeast governors, have visited Asorock more times than I can remember, to pledge your commitment to #OneNigeria which begs the questions:
How many times have you visited Aso Rock to ask why Onitsha Seaport has remained comatose for years or to protest the non-inclusion of the southeast in the rail project? What about the almost non-functioning seaports in Wari, Igweocha and Calabar? Have you asked why Biafrans MUST travel to Lagos or Abuja before flying abroad?
How many times have you visited Asorock to ask why the entire production processes in Biafraland have been emasculated to keep the people you should be representing in a state of perpetual penury?
Despite being the most peaceful region in the entire country, the southeast has thrice the number of police and military men deployed to the Boko-haram ravaged Northeast. Even violence prone Gaza Strip and terrorist-infested Mount Sinai in MiddleEast do not boast of such high level of militarization. And these uniformed thugs brazenly extort monies from motorists and commercial motorcycle riders and humiliate those who try to resist their savagery.
How many times have you gone to Asorock to protest all these?? But how can you, when those uniformed extortionists and invaders are in Biafraland with your full permissions??
What kind of #OneNigeria do you really want? A Nigeria where mediocrity and injustice walk on all four as obtained now or a country characterized by merit, justice and fairness??
Dear governors, we have lied to ourselves for far too long. Permit me to honour you with the courtesy of being blunt:
We, Biafrans, ARE NOT in the mess we are in today because we have a president whose access to oxygen seems to depend solely on how much hatred he can dish to us. Not at all. We are where we are today because we have the singular misfortune of being cursed with one of the most criminally insensitive sets of governors in our history. A set of governors whose sense of governance is simply atrocious. A set of governors whose ‘Onye Aghana Nwanne Ya’ spirit is simply non-existent. A set of governors who are indeed Pharaohs but who have succeeded in acquiring the garbs of Moses.
Your Excellencies, you are the biggest singular tragedy of Biafrans. It grieves me beyond word to publicly admit this but it grieves me even more that it is true.
Those millions of people you see following Nnamdi Kanu are indicative of the fact that the people you pretend to lead have simply lost faith in you.
You have failed your people. You have failed Ala-Igbo, you have failed Biafrans and if you have any shred of honour, you will not disagree that you have failed even yourselves.
You act and speak like psychological slaves and you waste no time in proving your loyalty to your Fulani masters even if it means sacrificing your people. Your default inclination is to the Caliphate.
Recently, one of you, governor Rochas Okorocha, bested Uncle Lucifer when he used soldiers to carry out a festival of blood reportedly killing not less than 4 persons including an 11-year-old Somtochukwu Igboanusi, all in a bid to demolish the ancient Eke-ukwu market in Owerri. And I’m wondering, how does Okorocha sleep at night knowing he’s responsible for the death of the only male child of his parents??
The “No More Elections In Biafraland” currently being championed by IPOB is receiving wide acceptance NOT NECESSARILY because of Nnamdi Kanu but because when an average Biafran looks around, he finds it extremely difficult to point to any time any of you governors have defended his interests.
When Fulani terrorists visit us with death, rather than act like governor Fayose, you act like powerless babies, weeping and trying to appease your oppressor. When our dues are denied us in Nigeria, you play deaf, dumb and blind. When Fulani soldiers kill and bath us with acid even inside a Church, you play the devil’s advocate. BUT when we say we want a referendum to enable us to decide our future, you rush to Asorock to counter us.
How can a people live with so-called leaders who act like that??
I’m submitting to you, my dear governors, that all of you are the co-authors of our misfortune as a people!
I have good news for you: your cups of iniquity are yet to run over. You can still redeem yourselves.
Please, in the name of the millions we lost to the Biafran war, rally round your people. Defend their right to life for once! Look the Caliphate in the eye for once and tell them that your people are no children of a lesser god. Stop holding Nicodemus meeting with Nnamdi Kanu with regards to Anambra elections. Instead, hold those meetings with the men in Aso Rock and demand that they give you something tangible, -something they consider a credible alternative to Biafra, promises and assurances, -to take back to your people. This is how to negotiate!
Stop giving your permission for Buhari to militarize Biafraland with his occupying forces. Those soldiers are here not to protect but to kill and maim and treat Ndigbo like a conquered people.
Time for politics is over. Today, Biafrans are facing grave existential challenges.
This is the time to borrow a leaf from Chief John Nnia Nwodo, the Ohaneze Ndigbo PG and stand with your people because the truth is, Biafrans are like a seed. Even when you bury them, they don’t die, instead, they germinate. So when all this is over, rest assured, we will dis-remember Buhari and his fellow nightwalkers but we will forever remember your treachery and criminal complicity in our tragedy.
Remember, your Excellencies, no man, no matter how powerful, can make a private bargain with history.
By: The Wounded Biafrans
Published by Jonas Rafeal
An Open Letter To The South East Governors By The Wounded Biafrans
Greetings, Your Excellencies, the governors of the land of the Rising Sun.
It is with a heart burdened with sorrow that I write you today to register my grave displeasure over your criminal complicity in the woes of the people you purport to preside over.
With your permission, Your Excellencies, I will like to start this piece with questions which have dug a very deep hole in my heart for a very long time and the questions are:
Whose interests are you representing as governors?
Where does your loyalty lie?
Why does it seem like your dominant default instinct is to please the Caliphate even if it means to the detriment of your people?
Dear governors, those are questions on the lips of almost every Igbo Biafran youth and those questions must not just be asked, they must be answered.
Your Excellencies, do you ever sit back and wonder why millions of Biafrans have chosen to willingly follow Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in his quest to restore Biafra?
I will tell you:
As a people, Biafrans have been oppressed, suppressed, dejected, isolated, marginalized, ridiculed, humiliated, haunted and murdered by the moral criminals and executive terrorists running the affairs of the Nigerian state since after the Biafran war. When Mr Hate-Made-Flesh, President Buhari, came on board, he elevated Biafra marginalization and dehumanization as an official govt policy. Two days ago, the Buhari-led govt brought in tanks and sophisticated military hardware into Biafraland. It doesn’t take a soothsayer to know that those weapons will be used on the same people whose lives you are being paid to protect.
In all these,
You, the people who presume to be our governors didn’t just maintain criminal silence, you connived with our oppressors to ride roughshod over our wounds. Just for the pittance known as monthly allocation, you had no qualms turning a blind eye and living in denial of our pains and miseries and wars and woes.
This year alone, you, the southeast governors, have visited Asorock more times than I can remember, to pledge your commitment to #OneNigeria which begs the questions:
How many times have you visited Aso Rock to ask why Onitsha Seaport has remained comatose for years or to protest the non-inclusion of the southeast in the rail project? What about the almost non-functioning seaports in Wari, Igweocha and Calabar? Have you asked why Biafrans MUST travel to Lagos or Abuja before flying abroad?
How many times have you visited Asorock to ask why the entire production processes in Biafraland have been emasculated to keep the people you should be representing in a state of perpetual penury?
Despite being the most peaceful region in the entire country, the southeast has thrice the number of police and military men deployed to the Boko-haram ravaged Northeast. Even violence prone Gaza Strip and terrorist-infested Mount Sinai in MiddleEast do not boast of such high level of militarization. And these uniformed thugs brazenly extort monies from motorists and commercial motorcycle riders and humiliate those who try to resist their savagery.
How many times have you gone to Asorock to protest all these?? But how can you, when those uniformed extortionists and invaders are in Biafraland with your full permissions??
What kind of #OneNigeria do you really want? A Nigeria where mediocrity and injustice walk on all four as obtained now or a country characterized by merit, justice and fairness??
Dear governors, we have lied to ourselves for far too long. Permit me to honour you with the courtesy of being blunt:
We, Biafrans, ARE NOT in the mess we are in today because we have a president whose access to oxygen seems to depend solely on how much hatred he can dish to us. Not at all. We are where we are today because we have the singular misfortune of being cursed with one of the most criminally insensitive sets of governors in our history. A set of governors whose sense of governance is simply atrocious. A set of governors whose ‘Onye Aghana Nwanne Ya’ spirit is simply non-existent. A set of governors who are indeed Pharaohs but who have succeeded in acquiring the garbs of Moses.
Your Excellencies, you are the biggest singular tragedy of Biafrans. It grieves me beyond word to publicly admit this but it grieves me even more that it is true.
Those millions of people you see following Nnamdi Kanu are indicative of the fact that the people you pretend to lead have simply lost faith in you.
You have failed your people. You have failed Ala-Igbo, you have failed Biafrans and if you have any shred of honour, you will not disagree that you have failed even yourselves.
You act and speak like psychological slaves and you waste no time in proving your loyalty to your Fulani masters even if it means sacrificing your people. Your default inclination is to the Caliphate.
Recently, one of you, governor Rochas Okorocha, bested Uncle Lucifer when he used soldiers to carry out a festival of blood reportedly killing not less than 4 persons including an 11-year-old Somtochukwu Igboanusi, all in a bid to demolish the ancient Eke-ukwu market in Owerri. And I’m wondering, how does Okorocha sleep at night knowing he’s responsible for the death of the only male child of his parents??
The “No More Elections In Biafraland” currently being championed by IPOB is receiving wide acceptance NOT NECESSARILY because of Nnamdi Kanu but because when an average Biafran looks around, he finds it extremely difficult to point to any time any of you governors have defended his interests.
When Fulani terrorists visit us with death, rather than act like governor Fayose, you act like powerless babies, weeping and trying to appease your oppressor. When our dues are denied us in Nigeria, you play deaf, dumb and blind. When Fulani soldiers kill and bath us with acid even inside a Church, you play the devil’s advocate. BUT when we say we want a referendum to enable us to decide our future, you rush to Asorock to counter us.
How can a people live with so-called leaders who act like that??
I’m submitting to you, my dear governors, that all of you are the co-authors of our misfortune as a people!
I have good news for you: your cups of iniquity are yet to run over. You can still redeem yourselves.
Please, in the name of the millions we lost to the Biafran war, rally round your people. Defend their right to life for once! Look the Caliphate in the eye for once and tell them that your people are no children of a lesser god. Stop holding Nicodemus meeting with Nnamdi Kanu with regards to Anambra elections. Instead, hold those meetings with the men in Aso Rock and demand that they give you something tangible, -something they consider a credible alternative to Biafra, promises and assurances, -to take back to your people. This is how to negotiate!
Stop giving your permission for Buhari to militarize Biafraland with his occupying forces. Those soldiers are here not to protect but to kill and maim and treat Ndigbo like a conquered people.
Time for politics is over. Today, Biafrans are facing grave existential challenges.
This is the time to borrow a leaf from Chief John Nnia Nwodo, the Ohaneze Ndigbo PG and stand with your people because the truth is, Biafrans are like a seed. Even when you bury them, they don’t die, instead, they germinate. So when all this is over, rest assured, we will dis-remember Buhari and his fellow nightwalkers but we will forever remember your treachery and criminal complicity in our tragedy.
Remember, your Excellencies, no man, no matter how powerful, can make a private bargain with history.
By: The Wounded Biafrans
Published by Jonas Rafeal
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