| Saturday, July 29, 2017 | 22:25 CET
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IPOB Supreme Leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu |
By Abada-Agu Lizrika, Owerri
Sir, I have been watching with great zeal and open admiration video clips of various solidarity visitations to you, the supreme leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) by different groups both from Biafraland and abroad, as well the ones you pay to various states in Biafraland propagating the gospel of our Biafra’s restoration.
It has been tremendously amazing and awesome. Millions of people usually troop out en-mass, defying all political and criminal threats of both politicians and the Nigeria security agencies; whether under rain or scorching sun just to welcome and receive you their leader. In one of such visitations to you in your Afara in Umuahia residence, even the heavens bore witness to your authority and anointing when in the glare of every eyes the rainbow suddenly appeared in Biafra colours encircling the sun to the amazement of all.
Ever since your release from that unnecessary incarceration, you have been highly welcomed everywhere despite oppositions from Nigeria political slaves parading themselves as governors and elites. No doubt, the Biafra you lead has become a movement, a spirit of devoted group with common goal and oneness to liberate themselves from the wickedness of their exploiters, killers and oppressors. This oneness is found in the family called IPOB that has cut across ages and sex, carrying along the poor and rich, students and business class as well as all boundaries of Biafra land.
Tears and goose pimples coated me when the last time you stormed Owerri, my state capital. Peoples admiration of the most admired leader today in Biafraland was manifested when under heavy down pour, they all came out in their numbers dancing and jubilating just to receive you. Even political hawkers who were hired to disrupt the occasion by packing their tipper lorries along your part had had to abandon their sponsors at the stadium and joined the Biafran train at Ugwu Ekwema. This showed that there is a new leader in town.
You are the supreme leader; the man whose presence makes political leaders shiver with fever wherever he goes. A name to reckon with, a name in the mouth of every man, woman, youth and elder, educated and otherwise. The mouth piece of the down trodden, the oppressed, the hungry, the indigents, the poor, the weak and the forsaken. The man whose presence tames the wildest political beast in the land.
Sir, since after that successful "sit at home" order you issued to mark the remembrance of blood of our brethren gruesomely murdered by the Nigerian killer agents since 1945 till date on 30th May, 2017, even our enemies; those who thought and erroneously believed that ndigbo can never unite on anything have now become even flabbergasted. On that day, the world stood still as over One hundred nations across the globe observed and obeyed your command. That day, Biafrans made their statement that enough is enough. Ndigbo equally casted their votes. Biafra referendum was concluded and sealed that day.
sir, it was that day that it dawned on all that Biafra meant and means business and that Kanu is now their true leader. For those who were still warming up to be named Igbo leaders, it dawned on them that Ndigbo had casted their votes and chosen their leader. It also dawned on all that Biafra’s new leader had emerged and that new leader is Mázi Nnamdi Kanu; the Supreme Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). You have perfectly inscribed your name in the hearts of every Biafrans to the amazement of your distractors. You have become the lion whose roar gets other animals in the jungle on their heels. They go into hiding.
In Onitsha, your visit shot down the city. Never has it been heard nor seen that a single man's movement in Igboland could shot down an entire state and the largest market in West Africa. It is worthy of note that only the visit of Pope John Paul 11 when he visited Oba in1996 that had attracted such crowd that was witnessed during your visit to Anambra. I, therefore, challenge those who claim to be our leaders or governors to mobilize half of the crowd in one state without paying billions of naira to fake it.
Leaders are shepherds who lead their flock of sheep. The sheep know their shepherd and recognize his voice and follow him. Every good sheep knows his Shepherd by voice and every good Shepherd knows his sheep one by one and protects them from wild beasts. His main function is to lead them to greener pastures.
You are our leader and we recognize you today as such. You have declared and told us that there wouldn’t be elections in Anambra and in Biafraland as conducted by the Nigeria government again unless they give us a date for our referendum. This command has brought sorrows and fidgeting in the hearts of our criminal politicians. They have seen the truth and known that the leader has spoken because they know that we must obey. When leader says no election, there will be no election. No negotiation. We have resolved to obey you.
However, we will not hesitate to destroy you; I will personally stone you should you for any reason abandon us and compromise on this agitation. I have no doubt the amount of pressure on you now to drop the call. I am even aware that some governors and politicians are already reaching out to you.
But remember that these same people destroyed Ikemba Ojukwu politically. Remember that they finished Chief Ralph Uwazuruike in such a manner that he is today a carcass of himself with no followers. Ndigbo, and behold entire Baifra will curse you and your entire generation should you sale off the struggle. Your generation born and unborn shall never know peace and the blood of Biafrans wasted would torment you and your household forever if compromise with our enemies.
So far you have maintained uncommon leadership qualities unseen in Biafra. your honesty, bluntness, simplicity, gentleness, wisdom and courage have all endeared people to you. Your leadership qualities immeasurable - cool, calm yet commands lots of respect. You have maintained incorruptibility, fearless, bravery in all situations. You must never renege on these. You have asked us to trust. We are not going back and you cannot afford to disappoint your followers and family irrespective of whose ox is gored. You have said it and it must come to pass, no more elections in Biafra land. This is non-negotiable.
At Ebonyi, you led your flock through the lions’ den and walked passed the blood thirsty Nigeria army, disarming them with your grace and truth. At Igweocha, the story of your presence and message still reverberates. Everywhere you visit does not remain the same again. You have shown that followership is not about money. It is not about feeding your followers fat with lies, deceit, paying half salaries and forcing aged pensioners to sign away their rights as can be seen in my state, Imo. It is not bought with threats of sack from work. It is not about acquiring properties at the expense of public funds.
My leader, you have shown to be like the great Mahatma Ghandi whose philosophy was liberation of his people. My leader, you are like Nelson Madiva Rohihlahla Mandela. Rohihlahla was given to Mandela by one of his grandparents and it means a "twig that can be bent but not broken". My leader, they imprisoned you hoping to break you, but you remained unbroken. They only succeeded in inscribing your name in Diamond and making the realization of our dream quicker and faster.
Ride on Super Supreme Leader, lead us your sheep follow in obedience, together we must enter the Land of Biafra.
Abada-Agu Lizrika; educationist and social commentator lives in Owerri, Imo State
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