The Mayor’s office represents all people who reside in NYC. While it is not the City’s responsibility to arbitrate or have formal involvement in international affairs, it is the responsibility and ethical duty of all people to tell the truth and to speak out on behalf of persecuted and oppressed people, whether they are Jews, Christians, Muslims, Yazidis, Kurds, ethnic groups, religious groups or political dissidents.
We welcome all those who love freedom and democracy. We welcome those who love New York city and who have and are seeking legal refuge and sanctuary in our fair city. We will continue to do as we have always done, welcoming people from every country on the globe!
Biafra is a sub-state in the southeast area of Nigeria. The Biafrans have been seeking freedom and the right, as an indigenous people, to control their own land as well as their own wealth of oil and gas resources, as granted by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 61/295.
From 1967-1970 and in the subsequent years, almost 5 million Christian/Biafrans have been, and continued to be, slaughtered in their incessant attempt to gain independence. It is a move Britain has always opposed, for it would leave their own little white children, skin and bones, and penniless; an intolerable picture of what is so easily tolerable in black skin. It was the reason then British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson (1968/1969), seeing the genocide and starvation of the black Christian Biafran men, women, and children, and expressing the sentiment of many refined British aristocracy, said, “[I] would accept a half million dead Biafrans if that was what it took.” * ... order to keep stealing all the unfathomable riches of Biafraland and keep his little Brits from looking the same..starving and dying.
British-backed genocide, almost 2 million of these men, women, and children, were purposely starved to death by Wilson and the Muslim Nigerians as millions around the world watched on TV. The government of Britain did not turn a blind eye to the ghoulish horrors. They watched, transfixed by the savage delight, salivating at the prospect of at least 50 more years of oil and riches beyond their dreams which they could continue to rip from Biafraland. THIS YEAR, 2017, MARKS THE 50th YEAR OF THE BEGINNING OF THE BRUTISH BRITISH AND MUSLIM HELLISH CONQUEST.
For the past ten years, the British government has seemed hell-bent on contemptuously ignoring the UN Charter as they had ignored all Biafran cries and tortured screams of the Biafran Christians since long before 1967.
They have continued stealing the oil and gas from Biafraland, to this day, leaving more millions in dire poverty. But it is justified...well, because...we really don’t want to see little white British children suffer the same horrific fate, do we? God bless those little black souls, every one! Shall we pray?
Wilson, who passed away in 1995, would be very pleased, as all Prime Ministers through Theresa May, having reached the Half a Century mark this year. They now have cause for celebration as they revel in their oil riches from one of the longest genocides and successful thefts in history.* They have done so, unfortunately, it seems, with the blessing of the UN and the United States Government.
This year, Britain again closed her eyes to the continued evil of the Nigerian Muslim Government which they control as the Nigerian Army, armed as always with British weaponry, shot 30 Biafran Christians dead simply for having a victory walk when Donald Trump was elected President. It was a barbaric, savage and terroristic crime which, unsurprisingly, elicited no sympathetic response from London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan.
Mayor Khan freely displayed his camaraderie with the murderous soldiers who shot the Christian Trump supporters, by blatantly expressing his own hatred and disdain for President Trump whom he tried to get dis-invited from his State visit to Britain. It seemed obvious to the world that Mayor Khan was screaming a loud, tacit blessing to his violent Muslim Brothers, simply because of President’s Trump’s Campaign promise to do more realistic vetting so that America does not find herself in the same terrorists and sharia hell-hole as Great Britain and the rest of Europe.
Misery loves company, and Kahn and his European allies would love nothing more than to see the USA take on as many unvetted child beheaders and violent drivers and cartoon scouters and blasphamey investigators and FGM providers as are flooding their Continent on an hourly basis.
After 8 years, America was getting very close to welcoming the same perverted company of liars and sheep pretenders mixed in with some very, very nice Muslim people. But with such an abrupt change, the plans changed. We cannot make it there yet. And Khan and many around the American media and the rest of the world, are furious.
Nor did this barbaric, savage and terroristic crime illicit a response from Prime Minister Theresa May, the latest in a long succession of Prime Ministers blissfully sipping their oil-bought tea as millions of Christian Biafrans have continued on an unabated path, being raped and tortured and slaughtered by the Puppet Muslim Nigerian Government .
They are a murderous, genocidal, combination government, Britain and Nigeria, far worse than those of Mubarak, Qaddafi, Hussein, or Assad. Their many atrocities and genocide of 5,000,000+ Biafrans are rivaled only by those of Hitler, Stalin, the Japanese, and 1400 years of Islam. This is a government praised, exalted and greatly encouraged by former President Obama as well. Nigerian government which takes secret pride in being known as one of the Top Ten most scamming and criminal countries in the world.
But all the Nigerian people do not represent the savagery of their government. And the wickedness of Britain does not bespeak the kind and generous hearts of the hundreds of thousands of British citizens on American shores.
Brits, Biafrans, and Nigerians all live and work side by side in America, assimilating into our culture while retaining their own. It is a fantastic testimony to the power of the freedom and democracy of America, that in NYC, the main melting pot of America, all Biafrans, Nigerians, and Brits can co-exist with equal rights for all. What a great example of what NYC and America can do for others around the globe!
Let us ask Britain to do the same. Repent of such gross atrocities and sin. Turn to the truth so that your future can be saved. It will not be saved with sweet stolen riches which are now rotting in your mouth and souls. Return the land and oil to Biafra before it is too late, and you become irretrievably engulfed in the mire of Sharia.
I told you that truth is more important to me than success. If I cannot speak the truth, then success is to live in hell.
Written By: Scott Berry James
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