MI6 will completely ignore all the crimes committed in the Middle East by ISIS and the West in order to turn the public against Russia with a secret dossier.
According to Seymour Hersch, MI6 assisted the CIA in smuggling arms from Gaddafi’s arsenal in Libya to Turkey, from where they were forwarded onto to fighters linked to al-Nusra in Syria. In other words many of the weapons used in the slaughter of civilians in the occupied areas of Syria were supplied courtesy MI6; the very same organisation that now claims to be compiling a dossier on “Putin’s war crimes”.
Of course this ignores alleged support for Islamic State from Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, all supposed Western allies.
MI6 and British police are investigating alleged attacks on civilians by Russian war planes in Syria – with a view to prosecuting President Vladimir Putin for war crimes.
Medical charities and human rights groups have already condemned the bombing of civilians in areas controlled by Syrian rebels who oppose the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Putin’s ally.
Now the MoS can reveal that intelligence services are compiling a secret dossier of specific assaults, which could lead to the Russian President facing allegations of crimes against humanity at an international tribunal.
The revelation comes after Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond warned Moscow last month that strikes on hospitals ‘could amount to war crimes’. Last night, Foreign Office sources confirmed that the UK is ‘closely monitoring the situation’ in Syria.
The MoS understands that British investigators, including detectives from the Metropolitan Police Service’s war crimes unit, are at the British Embassy in Beirut.
According to Amnesty International, Russia is targeting hospitals in areas held by rebel groups in an attempt to terrorise local people into supporting President Assad.
In the northern city of Aleppo, where the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) is popular, eight hospitals are understood to have been struck by missiles fired by military aircraft since September 30 last year – when Russian forces joined the conflict.
Russian and Syrian aircraft are also alleged to have targeted hospitals in other areas of the country.
All medical facilities in war zones are protected under international law. Russia has denied that its jets target hospitals, insisting its aircraft only strike ‘terrorist targets’. The Russian Embassy in London was unavailable for comment last night.
But former Foreign Secretary Lord Owen dismissed Russia’s excuses. He said: ‘Claims that Russia is only going after groups such as Islamic State are plainly false. It is time to expose such hypocrisy and Britain should lead this effort.’
(Thetruthseeker.co.uk, Dailymail.co.uk)
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