IPOB questions southeast governors over fulani police clash at artisan market, says must defend Biafraland against terrorists

     Published on Saturday April 24, 2021 @ 20:32 EST by BIAFRA TODAY


We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our great and indomitable leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu observed with amusement, the recent assault on Nigeria police and Enugu State government officials Fulani terrorist herdsmen and cattle sellers at Artisan market in Enugu. We are surprised that the vampires suddenly turned their weapons against their friends. 

What went wrong? As we still ponder on what must have gone wrong between the two former allies, many questions agitate our minds all at the same time. Why has the crying Governor in charge of Enugu State refused to mobilize the 82 Division Nigerian Army, and the Police Commissioner to deploy their men against the marauders? 

Where are the military tanks they used in shelling unarmed Biafran agitators and Igbo youths conducting morning exercise at Emene where scores were sent to their untimely grave? Where is the DSS that specializes in abducting unarmed Biafran agitators? 

Where are the military jets searching for ESN personnel and bombing innocent Biafrans at Orlu? Now that the serpent they nurtured has become a python, why have they lost the courage to tame it? A police vehicle was destroyed and Government bulldozers were seized by identified people who have not changed their location even as we write, yet no arrest was made 48 hours after the attack. Were it to the Biafra agitators by now every trader in the market would have been cooling off in police and military cells. 

What a shame! It's only in states governed by cowards that security agents and Government officials on lawful duty will be attacked by terrorists and no action will be taken against the assailants. Even when the AK-47 carrying terrorists harbored in the market have been disowned by the cattle sellers in a BBC Igbo interview, the security agencies have refused to go after them. 

This has vindicated our consistent warning that Igbo land has been surrounded by Fulani terrorists but the self-acclaimed Igbo Leaders will never heed the warning. All Cattle Markets in Biafra land provide safe havens for Fulani bandits and terrorists masquerading as herdsmen. They have a stockpile of arms in these Markets and others Fulani settlements in our land. 

The security agencies are fully aware of this but they pretend to be ignorant yet they provide cover for them to actualize the Fulanisation agenda. Shame on southeast governors, Ohanaeze, and Igbo Leaders who betrayed IPOB because of selfish political interests. You opposed the formation of ESN and daily hunt down the personnel staking their lives to defend our land, yet you are in bed with the enemy.

Now that you are aware that the enemies you helped to groom have the temerity and sophistry to resist security agencies, what are you doing in readiness for their invasion of our communities? When our gallant ESN personnel were confronting the terrorists at Nsuka, instead of supporting our men the Governor in his usual cowardice kept mute while the Nigerian Army mobilised against our men fighting to defend our ancestral land against bloodsuckers. 

The present crop of southeast governors are a huge embarrassment to Ndigbo. They lack understanding of the times. Where is their Ebubeagu na Ebubeoke na Ngwere? It's time to mobilize them against the AK-47 wielding Fulani bandits at Artisan market ENUGU. 

They are busy compiling names of suspected IPOB members and ESN operatives while terrorists are busy amassing weapons and taking over our land. But despite the weakness and treachery of our governors and the political elite, we promise hell for Fulani terrorists in Biafra land. 

Their conquest mission is dead on arrival. No inch of Biafra land will be taken by them as long as IPOB and ESN exist! 




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