Friday 30 March 2018
Biafra: An SOS From A Besieged Biafraland To The World And United Nation
AUTHOR: Alex C. Okeke
FOR: IPOB Writers
In the words of Marthin Luther, the great black rights activist, the visioneer of the present state of inter-color equality in the United states of America "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter". It takes a wise man to commune with realities to draw predictions for things that must come. It also takes a wise man to commune deeper and ascertain possible solutions to envisaged realities and eventualities. Those who fail to draw lessons from history are bound by ignorance to repeat the mistakes of the past. A wise man is one who learns from the mistakes of others, and avoids repeating what regretful mistakes the experienced may never commit.
Within the week, the Fulani nationality movement (FUNAM), rose from a
press conference and declared war on Nigerians and Biafrans at large! They laid out several uncorroborated instances of intimidation against her race and people. The Fulanis are a people historically reputed for their unsavoury penchant for blood-letting. They kill and take human life as if the Fulanis make life. The Fulani nationality place more premium on the life of an ordinary cattle over that of a human being. In short, the Fulanis are anything worse than vampires. Fulanis are the most sadistic and vampiric set of barbarians ever known to man.
The Fulanis are reputed for always living up to their threats . The press conference and the adoptions thereto, are said to be a direct response to the declarations of (rtd) Gen. T.Y Danjuma's call for self-defense in the light of sustained plan to exterminate the rest of inhabitants of the now expired Nigeria (14 January, 2014 - the day Nigeria expired from amalgamation).
Theophilus.Y Danjuma, made His call for self-defense, at the maiden convocation ceremony of the Taraba state(a middle-belt state) University, in Jalingo, sequel to the culmination of the past week, exactly on the 19th of March, 2018. The Fulanis in their usual display of arrogance, rascality, barbarity and vampirism, perceived the timely but overdue call for self-defense by Gen. Danjuma as an affront to their campaign and supremacist inclinations.
Like in previous press conferences of the Fulani nationality movement, their adoption No:7 states specifically-We call on all Fulani to prepare for the Jihad(A believed "holy" war among faithfuls of the Islamic religion). We fear a great for our lives, knowing fully well what happened to us when the Cartoon of Prophet Muhammed was drawn and ridiculed in far away Denmark - the Fulanis and their slaves across the length and breadth of Nigeria swooped on us and killed us without mercy. An uninformed on the plights of Biafrans in Nigeria may assert that the War is for and against only T.Y Danjuma and his people, because he does not wear the shoes.
This declaration of War is an indirect way of confusing the world from eventual plan to exterminate we Biafrans, the chosen sacrificial lambs in Nigeria. We who have always been victims of the horrendous barbarity of the Fulanis understand well enough, the weight and covert intrigues in this plan and declaration by the Fulanis.
In the build up to the break-up of former Yugoslavia, history made us to understand that nationalities and interests went on covert Arms-racing and stockpilings. Those who became victims and paid more dearly for not joining the Arms-racing and equally not raising their voices loudly to the World for help, were the parts more vulnerable in casualty figures.
In Nigeria, the Fulanis have been strategically positioned in all sectors of the nation's security architecture, for this time, in their campaign to complete what Uthman Dan-Fodio, the model of Fulani supremacy left unable to actualize. Fulanis have always openly boosted of the territory called Nigeria being their booty, safe for the coming of the British colonialists into Nigeria.
The Fulanis, rising from same press conference, directed the Muhammad Buhari-led administration to as a matter of expediency, move all the military hardwares across the middle-belt of Nigeria and other parts of southern Nigeria to their dominated core North of Nigeria, of course, for immediate commencement of the Jihad as adopted by Fulani nationality movement Worldwide. They have also directed all the Fulanis in any part of West Africa and World at large to start moving into Nigeria. As if this is not enough, all Fulani personnel of the military, paramilitaries, militia and other Armed bandits have been directed to besiege us and commence their holocaust, as soon as they are sanctioned by their leaders, so to do.
In all these, we are the most endangered species! We neither have any stockpile of weapons from private individuals, as freedom fighters nor do we have brothers in the rank and file of the nation's security architecture. Whiles the middle-belt and other parts of Nigeria have a handful of their kins in the military cum paramilitary services, both serving and as retired service men of high ranks, we have neither military, militia men nor a handful of retired service men and merchineries.
We therefore, call on the World and United Nations in particular, to shun unnecessary political correctness, which has eluded all intellectual debates over our plights in Nigeria, and which cannot in anyway bring back a singular human back to life, and wade in our matter and free Biafra once and for all before a more fierce Holocaust is perpetrated against the peace loving people of Biafra.
In the words of Zig Ziglar, "Every choice we make has an end result"-" every obnoxious cry is a cry for help"
By this piece, we also incline our subconscious to the great words of Confucius "study the past if you would define the future". We read and watch that we may learn and apply!
Confucius - "To see what is right and not do it, is want of courage or of principle" I hope the World holds principles!
Aristophanes says and I quote, "Let each man exercise the art he knows" whereas the Fulanis are skilled in the art of bloodshedding and unwanton barbarism, we Biafrans have done what we know and are skilled at, which is alerting the World timely on the brewing danger of extermination of a large number of our population in occupied and besieged land of Biafra.
Silence in the face of evil is evil in itself. By silence over our plight, the World will be culpable in aiding and abetting this planned second and more dangerous genocide against the people of Biafra. A stitch in time they say, saves nine.
ALEX is writing from the besieged land of Biafra, the land of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Philip Emeagwali, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Chuka Benneth Umunnakwe of British Parliament, Iwuji, the president of international Criminal Court,
The land of the Ancestors of the great Bishop T.D Jakes and Oprah Winfrey!
Biafra: An SOS From A Besieged Biafraland To The World And United Nation
AUTHOR: Alex C. Okeke
FOR: IPOB Writers
In the words of Marthin Luther, the great black rights activist, the visioneer of the present state of inter-color equality in the United states of America "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter". It takes a wise man to commune with realities to draw predictions for things that must come. It also takes a wise man to commune deeper and ascertain possible solutions to envisaged realities and eventualities. Those who fail to draw lessons from history are bound by ignorance to repeat the mistakes of the past. A wise man is one who learns from the mistakes of others, and avoids repeating what regretful mistakes the experienced may never commit.
Within the week, the Fulani nationality movement (FUNAM), rose from a
press conference and declared war on Nigerians and Biafrans at large! They laid out several uncorroborated instances of intimidation against her race and people. The Fulanis are a people historically reputed for their unsavoury penchant for blood-letting. They kill and take human life as if the Fulanis make life. The Fulani nationality place more premium on the life of an ordinary cattle over that of a human being. In short, the Fulanis are anything worse than vampires. Fulanis are the most sadistic and vampiric set of barbarians ever known to man.
The Fulanis are reputed for always living up to their threats . The press conference and the adoptions thereto, are said to be a direct response to the declarations of (rtd) Gen. T.Y Danjuma's call for self-defense in the light of sustained plan to exterminate the rest of inhabitants of the now expired Nigeria (14 January, 2014 - the day Nigeria expired from amalgamation).
Theophilus.Y Danjuma, made His call for self-defense, at the maiden convocation ceremony of the Taraba state(a middle-belt state) University, in Jalingo, sequel to the culmination of the past week, exactly on the 19th of March, 2018. The Fulanis in their usual display of arrogance, rascality, barbarity and vampirism, perceived the timely but overdue call for self-defense by Gen. Danjuma as an affront to their campaign and supremacist inclinations.
Like in previous press conferences of the Fulani nationality movement, their adoption No:7 states specifically-We call on all Fulani to prepare for the Jihad(A believed "holy" war among faithfuls of the Islamic religion). We fear a great for our lives, knowing fully well what happened to us when the Cartoon of Prophet Muhammed was drawn and ridiculed in far away Denmark - the Fulanis and their slaves across the length and breadth of Nigeria swooped on us and killed us without mercy. An uninformed on the plights of Biafrans in Nigeria may assert that the War is for and against only T.Y Danjuma and his people, because he does not wear the shoes.
This declaration of War is an indirect way of confusing the world from eventual plan to exterminate we Biafrans, the chosen sacrificial lambs in Nigeria. We who have always been victims of the horrendous barbarity of the Fulanis understand well enough, the weight and covert intrigues in this plan and declaration by the Fulanis.
In the build up to the break-up of former Yugoslavia, history made us to understand that nationalities and interests went on covert Arms-racing and stockpilings. Those who became victims and paid more dearly for not joining the Arms-racing and equally not raising their voices loudly to the World for help, were the parts more vulnerable in casualty figures.
In Nigeria, the Fulanis have been strategically positioned in all sectors of the nation's security architecture, for this time, in their campaign to complete what Uthman Dan-Fodio, the model of Fulani supremacy left unable to actualize. Fulanis have always openly boosted of the territory called Nigeria being their booty, safe for the coming of the British colonialists into Nigeria.
The Fulanis, rising from same press conference, directed the Muhammad Buhari-led administration to as a matter of expediency, move all the military hardwares across the middle-belt of Nigeria and other parts of southern Nigeria to their dominated core North of Nigeria, of course, for immediate commencement of the Jihad as adopted by Fulani nationality movement Worldwide. They have also directed all the Fulanis in any part of West Africa and World at large to start moving into Nigeria. As if this is not enough, all Fulani personnel of the military, paramilitaries, militia and other Armed bandits have been directed to besiege us and commence their holocaust, as soon as they are sanctioned by their leaders, so to do.
In all these, we are the most endangered species! We neither have any stockpile of weapons from private individuals, as freedom fighters nor do we have brothers in the rank and file of the nation's security architecture. Whiles the middle-belt and other parts of Nigeria have a handful of their kins in the military cum paramilitary services, both serving and as retired service men of high ranks, we have neither military, militia men nor a handful of retired service men and merchineries.
We therefore, call on the World and United Nations in particular, to shun unnecessary political correctness, which has eluded all intellectual debates over our plights in Nigeria, and which cannot in anyway bring back a singular human back to life, and wade in our matter and free Biafra once and for all before a more fierce Holocaust is perpetrated against the peace loving people of Biafra.
In the words of Zig Ziglar, "Every choice we make has an end result"-" every obnoxious cry is a cry for help"
By this piece, we also incline our subconscious to the great words of Confucius "study the past if you would define the future". We read and watch that we may learn and apply!
Confucius - "To see what is right and not do it, is want of courage or of principle" I hope the World holds principles!
Aristophanes says and I quote, "Let each man exercise the art he knows" whereas the Fulanis are skilled in the art of bloodshedding and unwanton barbarism, we Biafrans have done what we know and are skilled at, which is alerting the World timely on the brewing danger of extermination of a large number of our population in occupied and besieged land of Biafra.
Silence in the face of evil is evil in itself. By silence over our plight, the World will be culpable in aiding and abetting this planned second and more dangerous genocide against the people of Biafra. A stitch in time they say, saves nine.
ALEX is writing from the besieged land of Biafra, the land of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Philip Emeagwali, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Chuka Benneth Umunnakwe of British Parliament, Iwuji, the president of international Criminal Court,
The land of the Ancestors of the great Bishop T.D Jakes and Oprah Winfrey!
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