Chucks Okebata; US Navy Veteran, murdered by the Nigerian security operatives; on his visit to his ancestral home, BiafraAn unconfirmed report has claimed that Chuks Okebata a Biafran-US Navy veteran from Umuduruorie Mbieri Umuomumu in Mbaitoli, Imo State Biafra land who was murdered by professional assassins in his home town was a Nigerian State sponsored assassination. According to the report; Okebata Chuks was murdered when he visited Nigeria because he was a suspect of undisclosed and classified support for Biafra agitation.
When IPOB leadership was contacted to confirm the involvement of Chuks Okebata; they could not be reached but a principal officer who pleaded anonymity due to his closeness to the diseased confirmed that Chuks Okebata is a classified supporter of Biafra and in most cases confessed that he would defend his people if 1967 genocide is repeated.
The report went on to claim that the Nigerian State murdered Chuks Okebate because he was said to be training Biafran volunteer forces in Diaspora. It stated that he was tracked by Nigerian government and assassinated knowing that open arrest would stir the anger of American President, Donald Trump who doesn’t joke with US veterans.
There could likely be action from Donald Trump as we are all aware that he doesn’t play with soldiers that served America. Though there is no official comment from Trump since the assassination because US ‘embassy’ in Nigeria fear Donald Trump’s awareness will severe Nigerian-US diplomatic ties. Obama is still in control of the embassy and this has played decisive role in concealing the murder of Chuks Okebata. The awareness of his murder will likely drag Nigeria into making one accusation or another or linking his death to anything possible to divert the attention of the US government.
Last year; pictures of Biafran military personnel in camouflage went viral on the internet; sparking fear that Biafran military personnel could be receiving training in Diaspora to defend the people of Biafra should another war of genocide be ordered by the Nigerian government, emanating from the serious peaceful agitation for a sovereign State of Biafra.
Buhari has shown signs of readiness to carry out genocide because he was not questioned in the last genocide against the people of Biafra which he actively participated. This can be ascertained in his claim that he would kill more Biafrans if need arises to sustain the oneness of Nigeria. Critics have questioned the rationale behind such position as unity by force is nothing short of slavery.
The unconfirmed report further disclosed that since the pictures of the Biafran soldiers leaked; Nigerian government has not been stable and efforts were put to uncover the extent of the military preparation. The effort resulted to intelligence gathering of every Biafran serving and retired soldiers in Diaspora. The extraction had the name of Chuks Okebata and his assassination was inevitable; Chuks was not informed because the intelligence gathering on him was highly classified.
The Nigerian government seems to be so obsessed with the agitation for Biafra restoration which has strictly followed local and international stipulated laws for self-determination quest. The obsession is as a result the bigotry of Muhammadu Buhari who was long fingered as Islamic fanatic. Jonathan overlooked Biafra restoration which constantly relegated the agitation to peripheral zone.
Since the murder of the veteran, Mr Chuks Okebata; Nigerian establishment has tried so much to conceal the news as no investigation has been launched to bring the assassins to justice. According to a different report from another source; it said that Nigerian government is now trying everything possible to link his demise to family issue or anything they could lay their hands using anybody closer to the diseased or family members. This move to link Chuks death to someone else is vital to avoiding a diplomatic row that would definitely hurt Nigeria.
Southeast is not a place known for assassination and the rate of kidnapping has drastically gone down that Operation Python Dance came into server criticism. There is possibly no way the assassination of Chuks Okebata can be linked to insecurity in Biafra land, it is a premeditated death. Nigeria government’s obsession has reached a fever pitch that if intervention is further withheld, humanity will come under extinction in this part of the world.
US government must wake up to this fight against human rights and right to live; if injustice is allowed to go on, someday it would get to our doorstep. Chuks Okebate must not be swept under the carpet as the Indigenous People of Biafra will hold Nigeria to account and provide the murderers of our son. On no account shall we keep quiet any longer as our people are murdered without provocation; on no account should US continue to feign ignorance over the abuse of human rights by Nigerian murderous government.
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