Nowadays, it is no longer news that the Fulani herdsmen are on rampage. Murder and destruction are now the order of the day across the contraption called Nigeria. From the middle belt to the west and the east, the stories are all the same. The mass killings, destructions of farmlands and houses continues without any just interference from the authority nor the security operatives of Nigeria. Instead, the so-called president and his security agents of thr Department of State Services (DSS) are portraying acts of public support for these evil men of darkness by defending them to continue killing and maiming ordinary citizens of Nigeria, especially Biafrans. This is possible because Buhari and his fellow APC thieves are Hausa/Fulani and they totally support their kinsmen in committing these crimes.
Buhari and his government no longer hide their public support for these terrorists. It has gone to the extent of giving them (the herdsmen) constitutional protection. The bill is awaiting a vote in both parliaments respectively before it finally becomes law. The bill is called "Grazing Commission Bill." The intention of this bill majorly supported by the same Fulani herdsmen in the parliaments is to aid these terrorists cum blood sucking demons from the north and providing them with camps, financial aids and forcefully giving our lands to them in order to continue their killing spree all over Nigeria, especially in Biafraland where they have made their abode.
The Fulani herdsmen are ranked the 4th deadliest terrorist group in the world while in the contraption called Nigeria, they are the proverbial sacred cows. Their continuous access to preferential treatment by their brothers in the parliament and powerful positions, especially Muhamadu Buhari who sponsors and sympathises with the herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists is very alarming. Therefore, keeping silent and doing nothing about the mass killing and destruction by these evil men accross Nigeria calls for questioning.
Last week in Abuja, Lawal Daura the Director general of the Department of State Security Service (DSS) issued a statement accusing the Indigenous people of Biafra of killing and burying five Hausa/Fulani herdsmen and calling IPOB a terrorist organisation. This statement attracted worldwide criticism and anger from many observers who have been victims of these herdsmen. This statement made many condemn and support what Nnamdi Kanu and Radio Biafra have been saying about the wickedness of these men in power in Nigeria. These Nomads are not giving up in fabricating different kind of lies against Nnamdi Kanu and the Indigenous People of Biafra.
From Daura's accusations, the following questions begs answers:
1. Mr Buhari and Daura you claimed five fulani herdsmen were killed in Aba, Abia state and buried together with 50 other bodies in a shallow grave discovered in Aba. What about the other 50 bodies as you claimed? Which ethnic groups do they belong to or are they not humans?
2. What about almost 1000 people that were massacred in Agatu and accross Nigeria by your kinsmen; the herdsmen. Are they not humans?
3. Why did Buhari keep silent and even refused to watch the video presented to him about the killing of peaceful, praying and innocent Biafrans?
4. Are the DSS and the Fulani herdsmen untouchable sacred cows with a licence to maim, destroy and kill at will?
All these happenings are worrisome to everyone living in the contraption called Nigeria. People live in fear and sleeping with one eye opened for the fear of the northern terrorists. It is a pity that Nigerians have decided to stay mute over the evil acts of these men of the underworld. This menace has come to stay and will never stop unless the people stand up against it. As for the Indigenous People of Biafra, we are going home and must break away from this British contraption called Nigeria.
This is to avoid the continuous unprotection of Biafrans by the government and protecting ourselves from these blood-sucking demons; the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen. We are alerting the world to take into cognisance, this bizarre happenings in our land. Our people should understand that our land is under siege, and as such we must get ready for the worst. Biafra shall be restored and freedom for IPOB. All Hail Biafra!!!
Written by: Uchechi Collins
Edited by: Obioma Ebere
Published By Nwosu C.S
For Biafra Writers
great post