Wednesday , March 02, 2016

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton came out dominant in primary polls in their respectives partes nominating the races on Super Tuesday,
Trump "Trumped" his rivals by piling up seven wins across the nation, demonstrating broad appeal for his anti-establishment movement.
With results in from all 12 states that voted on the second most important political day of the year, Donald Trump had won seven states, while Ms Clinton had also secured seven, plus American Samoa. Their victories put them in a powerful position ahead of the flurry of races to take place in the next two weeks.
Yet while they helped load up their delegate tally, they were unable to enact the sort of blow-out to be able to yet plausibly claim victory. For the Democrats, the race remains perhaps the most still unsettled after Bernie Sanders was able to win four states, and push Ms Clinton very close in Massachusetts.
Clinton also had a strong night, winning seven states and showing her strength with minorities in the South.
Trump has so far won 233 delegates on Super Tuesday, well ahead of Cruz with 188 and Rubio with 90. That gives the billionaire a total of 315 delegates in the overall race, compared to 205 for Cruz and 106 for Rubio. A total of 1,237 delegates are required to win the Republican nomination.
In the Democratic race, Clinton won seven states, building up a delegate cushion over her insurgent rival Bernie Sanders. She rode her support among African-American voters on a Southern sweep through Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, and added Massachusetts, a state Sanders had hoped to win.
"What a Super Tuesday," Clinton declared at her victory rally in Florida, taking aim at Trump by asserting that America was already great, despite his campaign mantra, and vowing to make the country "whole again."
Sanders won his own state, Vermont, along with Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma. And though he failed to broaden his appeal in less liberal battlegrounds, he will now look to states in the industrial Midwest such as Michigan to inflict new blows on the former secretary of state.
For the Republicans, Senator Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas as well as Oklahoma and - as of the early hours of Wednesday morning - Alaska. Senator Marco Rubio’s consolation prize on an otherwise dismal night was a win in Minnesota.
Ironically, that result may suit Mr Trump perfectly as it means the field of rivals will remain untouched, dividing the opposition to him. Of more concern would have been a situation whereby the trailing candidates dropped out and allowed those opposed to the tycoon to rally around a single candidate.
“I feel awfully good,” Mr Trump said, speaking to reporters in Florida.
Now well ahead of his rivals in the race to accumulate delegates, Mr Trump attempted a less combative, arguably presidential, mien, congratulating Senator Cruz for his wins, though offering a less flattering assessment of Mr Rubio’s chances, who, he said, had been “very, very nasty” to him on the trail in recent days.
He had words of reassurance for those abroad startled by his rise. “I am going to be very good for the world, I am going to get along with the world.”

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton came out dominant in primary polls in their respectives partes nominating the races on Super Tuesday,
Trump "Trumped" his rivals by piling up seven wins across the nation, demonstrating broad appeal for his anti-establishment movement.
With results in from all 12 states that voted on the second most important political day of the year, Donald Trump had won seven states, while Ms Clinton had also secured seven, plus American Samoa. Their victories put them in a powerful position ahead of the flurry of races to take place in the next two weeks.
Yet while they helped load up their delegate tally, they were unable to enact the sort of blow-out to be able to yet plausibly claim victory. For the Democrats, the race remains perhaps the most still unsettled after Bernie Sanders was able to win four states, and push Ms Clinton very close in Massachusetts.
Clinton also had a strong night, winning seven states and showing her strength with minorities in the South.
Trump has so far won 233 delegates on Super Tuesday, well ahead of Cruz with 188 and Rubio with 90. That gives the billionaire a total of 315 delegates in the overall race, compared to 205 for Cruz and 106 for Rubio. A total of 1,237 delegates are required to win the Republican nomination.
In the Democratic race, Clinton won seven states, building up a delegate cushion over her insurgent rival Bernie Sanders. She rode her support among African-American voters on a Southern sweep through Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, and added Massachusetts, a state Sanders had hoped to win.
"What a Super Tuesday," Clinton declared at her victory rally in Florida, taking aim at Trump by asserting that America was already great, despite his campaign mantra, and vowing to make the country "whole again."
Sanders won his own state, Vermont, along with Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma. And though he failed to broaden his appeal in less liberal battlegrounds, he will now look to states in the industrial Midwest such as Michigan to inflict new blows on the former secretary of state.
For the Republicans, Senator Ted Cruz won his home state of Texas as well as Oklahoma and - as of the early hours of Wednesday morning - Alaska. Senator Marco Rubio’s consolation prize on an otherwise dismal night was a win in Minnesota.
Ironically, that result may suit Mr Trump perfectly as it means the field of rivals will remain untouched, dividing the opposition to him. Of more concern would have been a situation whereby the trailing candidates dropped out and allowed those opposed to the tycoon to rally around a single candidate.
“I feel awfully good,” Mr Trump said, speaking to reporters in Florida.
Now well ahead of his rivals in the race to accumulate delegates, Mr Trump attempted a less combative, arguably presidential, mien, congratulating Senator Cruz for his wins, though offering a less flattering assessment of Mr Rubio’s chances, who, he said, had been “very, very nasty” to him on the trail in recent days.
He had words of reassurance for those abroad startled by his rise. “I am going to be very good for the world, I am going to get along with the world.”
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