February  24,  2016

[caption id="attachment_319" align="alignnone" width="750"]EFCC Members of Nigeria's Economic crimes commission (EFCC)[/caption]


ABUJA—Trial of the former   National Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Dr. Haliru Bello, continued yesterday, with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, exposing how the defendant allegedly diverted public funds into a company he bequeathed to his son, Abba.

The anti-graft agency which is prosecuting the former PDP boss and his son before a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, said the defendants siphoned the funds with the help of the erstwhile National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd), and a former Minister of Finance (State), Bashir Yuguda.

Whereas Dasuki was said to have approved the transfer of N300 million from an account the  Office of the NSA, ONSA, operated with the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, into the account of Abba’s company, Bam Projects and Properties Limited, 11 days to the 2015 presidential election, Yuguda, on the other hand, allegedly authorised the release of over N1.5 billion to a Bureau de Change operator identified as Ja’mal Halal.

Both Dasuki and Yuguda are currently facing a separate charge before an Abuja High Court over their alleged involvement in the illegal diversion of N13.6 billion from public coffers.

At the resumed trial of Bello and his son yesterday, an investigative officer with the EFCC, Mrs. Rouqayya Ibrahim, told the court that the CBN, on March 4, 2015, transferred N30 billion into ONSA’s account.


Read the story here


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